Sunny view of the large terracotta, five-tier, French Renaissance-style Doulton Fountain in Glasgow Green

Glasgow 2030 Tourism Strategy Governance

View across the River Clyde of the square, glass building of BBC Scotland, of the crescent-shaped glass front of the Glasgow Science Centre and of the tall metal spire of the Glasgow Tower, with the Waverley paddle steamer docked in front

View across the River Clyde of the square, glass building of BBC Scotland, of the crescent-shaped glass front of the Glasgow Science Centre and of the tall metal spire of the Glasgow Tower, with the Waverley paddle steamer docked in front

Glasgow 2030 Tourism Strategy governance

This strategy has been developed based on in-depth research, resident sentiment and in collaboration with a wide range of industry, city and national partners.

We are grateful to everyone who took the time to share their views and participated in the development of this strategy.

View of a large, sitting statue of Lord Kelvin, surrounded by green trees in Kelvingrove Park, with the towers of Baroque-style Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in the background

View of a large, sitting statue of Lord Kelvin, surrounded by green trees in Kelvingrove Park, with the towers of Baroque-style Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum in the background

Glasgow Tourism Advisory Forum (GTAF)

The Glasgow Tourism Advisory Forum (GTAF), meets 3 times per year, is the strategic group for the tourism sector, with representation from key organisations and groups across the business community including accommodation, conferences and attractions. 

The purpose of the Forum is to monitor and report on progress against the actions set out in the Glasgow 2030 Tourism Strategy.

The Forum is operationally supported by Tourism colleagues at Glasgow Life, and feeds in to Glasgow Economic Leadership (GEL).

Focus for 2024 to 2026

  • Have strategic oversight for the Glasgow 2030 Tourism Strategy
  • Monitor and report on the progress of the Glasgow Tourism Action Plan 2024-26

Glasgow Tourism Advisory Forum Members Glasgow Tourism Advisory Forum Members

Sunny view of Gothic revival-style spire of the University of Glasgow's main building, surrounded by greenery and with the 3-arched stone Snow Bridge in the foreground

Sunny view of Gothic revival-style spire of the University of Glasgow's main building, surrounded by greenery and with the 3-arched stone Snow Bridge in the foreground

Glasgow Tourism and Events Network (GTEN)

The Glasgow Tourism and Events Network (GTEN) meets four times per year and is operationally focused, representing the voice of tourism and events in Glasgow.

The group provides a platform for industry sector leads to collaborate, learn and celebrate best practice.

The GTEN connects with the Glasgow Tourism Advisory Forum (GTAF) and is operationally supported by Tourism colleagues at Glasgow Life.

Focus for 2024 to 2026:

  • Share data and insights to inform activity
  • Support collaboration and early information sharing across the sector

Glasgow Tourism Events Network Members Glasgow Tourism Events Network Members