Sunny cityscape with the Gothic revival-style spire of the University of Glasgow's main building, surrounded by greenery and buildings of the West End, including the Baroque-style Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum

Data and Insights for the hospitality sector

Glasgow’s economy and tourism: key insights for the hospitality sector

Glasgow 2030 Tourism Strategy 2024 Update

Glasgow 2030 Tourism Strategy

Enjoy our short video updating on the achievements towards the city's Tourism Strategy. 

Glasgow's visitor economy

Scottish Tourism Economic Impact Model (STEAM) 2023

cyclist crossing the Tradeston Bridge in the sunshine, with office building in the background

cyclist crossing the Tradeston Bridge in the sunshine, with office building in the background

City Centre Performance Dashboard

The Dashboard gives a multi-layered view of Glasgow city centre by tracking key performance metrics consisting of over 20 interactive data reports, clustered around themes.

Go to the City Centre Performance Dashboard Go to the City Centre Performance Dashboard